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2024 News


2024 off to a great start with Waxwings at Crossgates & a Glossy Ibis at St Aidan's on 1 January

Plus nice views of Buzzard, Greenfinch & Stonechat

Kestrel, Brambling & a Tree Sparrow at North Cave Wetlands on 3 Jan

A Drake Smew at Thorganby nr York on 4 Jan

Sleeping Owl in N Yorks, Golden Plovers put to flight by a Sparrowhawk at Nosterfield & Goldeneyes at Staveley on 6 Jan

Cattle Egrets at Fairburn, Water Pipit at Lemonroyd STW, Long-tailed Duck at Pugney's CP and Water Rail at Staveley on 8 & 9 Jan

Mandarin Ducks at Golden Acre Park, Leeds & Short-eared Owls at York on 11 Jan

Red-throated Diver & a Snow Bunting at South Gare on 12 Jan

Bewick's & Whooper Swans (for comparison at Brunton nr Doncaster on 15 Jan

Four different types of Thrush in the same field at YWT Staveley on 17 Jan:-

Song, Mistle, Redwing & Fieldfare

Goldcrest & Stonechat at YWT Staveley on 18 Jan

Lovely views of a couple of Barn Owls at YWT Staveley on 26 Jan

Male & female Bullfinches at Rodney Nature Reserve on 27 Jan

Crossbills at Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint on 30 Jan

Grey Partridge & a Little Owl at Rodley Nature Reserve on 31 Jan

Waxwing, Great White Egret, Willow Tit & Grey Heron at Leeds/RSPB Fairburn on 2 Feb

Jack Snipe (with a Common Snipe just visible behind it!) at Rodley Nature Reserve on 10 Feb

Black Grouse at Arkengarthdale nr Reeth on 18 Feb - one of three males seen together.

Great White Egret "nearly" managing to dine on a Pike at RSPB Fairburn on 20 Feb !

Little Owl & a Cormorant (in breeding plumage) at Rodley Nature Reserve on 3 March

Whooper Swans at RSPB Fairburn Ings on 7 March

First ever visit to High Batts Nature Reserve nr Ripon on 8 March & some colourful bird sightings!

Red-necked Grebe & White-fronted Geese at Burton Riggs nr Scarborough on 14 March

Green-winged Teal (took 3 visits to see it!), Siskin, Chifchaff & Buzzard at Nosterfield on 18 March

Black-necked Grebe & Little Owl at RSPB St Aidan's on 19 March

Egyptian Goose, Spoonbill & Snipe at RSPB Fairburn on 19 March

Chiffchaff, Goldcrest, Treecreeper & Red Kite near home at Kirk Deighton on 21 March

Another trip to High Batts NR on 22 March - Goosander, Brambling, Marsh Tit & Yellowhammer

A selection of the birds at Collingham & RSPB St Aidan's from 23-26 March

Yellowhammers at Kirk Deighton on 2 April & a male Blackcap singing away at RSPB Fairburn on 3 April

Distant views of Ring Ouzels at a wet & windy Scar House Reservoir on 5 April

Red-legged Partridges & a Bittern at RSPB St Aidan's + a Green Sandpiper at Woodlesford on 6 April

Mediterranean Gull, distant Garganey and a Willow Warbler at RSPB St Aidan's on 8 April

Corn Bunting on the Ridgeway, Oxfordshire on 11 April & a Firecrest in the garden at Poole on 12 April

A rare Forster's Tern at Brownsea Island, Poole on 14 April - with the Sandwich Terns for company

Linnet, Blackcap, Bittern in flight and my first Swallow of the year at St Aidan's on 20 April

Arctic Terns at North Cave Wetlands on 22 Apr & a distant Slavonian Grebe at Wheldrake Ings on 23 April

Song Thrush & Curlew at Nosterfield on 25 Apr and Whinchat & Sedge Warbler at St Aidan's on 26 April

Black Terns and a Black-tailed Godwit at RSPB St Aidan's at the end of April

Osprey pair & Willow Warbler in N Yorks and Barnacle Geese & Garden Warbler at Nosterfield on 1 May

Sand Martin & Hobby at Nosterfield and close up Yellow Wagtails at Shadwell at the start of May

Siskin, Gt Spotted Woodpecker & Tree Pipit at Stainburn Forest + a Grey Wagtail at Roundhay Park on 7 May

Garganey, Lesser Scaup, Whimbrel & Whinchat at St Aidan's on 9 May

Fulmar, Guillemot, Puffin & Gannet at RSPB Bempton Cliffs on 10 May

Lovely views of one of my favourite birds the Wood Warbler in N Yorks on 12 May

(see "VIDEOS PAGE" to see/hear it singing & calling)

Wheatear, Spotted & Pied Flycatchers + Common Sandpiper at Barden & Strid Wood on 17 May

A "Springwatch" Peregrine by its nest at Corfe Castle, Dorset today + two of the many Lulworth Skipper butterflies in the car park at the start of June

Shag, Raven, Little Gull & the star of the show - a WHITE-TAILED EAGLE at Poole Harbour on 4 June

Lovely views of a Yellow Wagtail at Kirk Deighton on 16 June

A Skylark at Nosterfield + Little Ringed Plover, Redshank & Avocet at Fairburn during June

Osprey fishing at Nosterfield on 24 June

Turtle Dove at the Sutton Bank Visitor Centre on 26 June

Kingfisher at Roundhay Park, Leeds on 27 June

A rare Black-winged Pratincole at Finningley, South Yorks on 13 July

Osprey & Red Kite at Eccup Reservoir on 16 July plus Grey & Pied Wagtails

Red Knot, Common Tern & Ruddy Shelduck at RSPB St Aidan's on 17 July

Great Black-backed Gull & a Raven at Poole, Dorset on 23 July 2024

Lovely to see 4 Ospreys flying around the Flask Lake at Nosterfield on 28 July

Little Owl at Nosterfield & a Stone Curlew (late on!) at Fairburn on 28 July

Marsh Harrier & Hobby at Nosterfield on 2 August

Yellowhammer taken with a Sony RX10 Mk4 bridge camera at Kirk Deighton on 8 August

Osprey, Snow Goose & Garganey at Nosterfield on 10 August

Dunlin & Osprey at Eccup Reservoir on 13 August

Lovely views of a Caspian Tern at Eccup Reservoir on 13 August

Osprey at Nosterfield on 16 August

Sandwich & Roseate Terns + a Sanderling at South Gare on 19 August

Record shots of a distant juvenile Dotterel at South Anston nr Rotherham on 25 August

My Yorkshire Bird total for the year reaches "200" with Curlew Sandpipers & Spotted Redshank at RSPB Blacktoft Sands on 26 August!       A few shandies later to celebrate

Collage of a few of those 200 birds

Bittern "nearly" coming out of the reeds at Nosterfield on 28 August

Common Buzzards at Eccup Reservoir on 15 Sept

I "finally" manage to photograph a Green Woodpecker at Nosterfield on 11 Sept !

Red Knot & Common Snipe at RSPB St Aidan's on 12 Sept

Pectoral Sandpiper & Marsh Harrier at RSPB Blacktoft Sands on 17 Sept

Little Stint, Stonechats & Whinchat at RSPB St Aidan's on weekend of 21/22 Sept

Nice views of a Hoopoe on the front lawn of a house in Stamford Bridge on 23 Sept

(see "VIDEOS PAGE"  for short film footage)

Close views of a male Kestrel at RSPB St Aidan's on 29 Sept

Olive-backed Pipit, Red-breasted Flycatcher, Barred Warbler & Isabelline Shrike

at Flamborough + RSPB Bempton Cliffs on 3-4 Oct

Red-necked Grebe & Grey Heron at Roundhay Park, Leeds on 5 Oct

Pectoral Sandpiper & Peregrine Falcon at Nosterfield Nature Reserve on 6 Oct

Grey Phalarope, Purple Sandpiper & Turnstone at Bridlington Harbour on 7 Oct

A Jay flypast on the afternoon dog walk at Kirk Deighton on 13 Oct

Black Redstart at Flamborough on 17 Oct

Golden Plovers at Nosterfield on 18 Oct

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